The Future is Far North.

Climate change threatens not just human civilization, but the human species. World governments are not addressing the problem in a timely or effective manner. Even if climate goals are met - are they enough?What if solar panels, the Paris Accords, and the Green New Deal aren't enough? What if within the lifetimes of those born after 1990 extreme weather events, sea level rise and dramatic shifts in growing seasons precipiate a breakdown in the industrial supply chain that feeds us - and builds our solar panels and wind turbines? What then?The Far North Network is a coalition of realistic and forward-thinking individuals who acknowledge vast human resettlement may need to take place, and that we can do so pre-emptively and voluntarily well before any breakdown occurs - or do so involuntarily when it is virtually too late.Together, we at FNN are working to organize this resettlement now, leveraging the resources available to us now to get set up for community-based self-sufficiency in far northern regions of the United States. We are buying land, developing modes of agricultural production for an unstable climate, and working to influence local government to aid in these efforts.To express interest, click the link below to fill out our ten-question questionnaire. To read a more in-depth description of our vision, click the PDF document below.